Have you KNOWN you needed to do something about your website for a while and just can’t SEEM TO get started?

You have big ideas, and you know you need more than a Google doc to share them, but,
you just can’t seem to get started on getting your website going.

I’ve got you. Read on, friend.

As someone who’s been in business for a while, I know what it’s like to try to do all the things yourself, while trying to market your offers, manage clients, all while having that “work-life balance” that entrepreneurship promises. And, there are learning curves to everything, and even with ai, it can be hard to know what questions to ask, what YouTube videos to watch, or where to even start.


You don’t have to go this alone anymore. Let’s remove the obstacles together and get your site up and launched.

Introducing …

Removing the bulls#*t to get your website up and running
so you can confidently share what you do with the world.

Squarespace your SITE is a collaborative process where I guide you through how to use Squarespace, I design your site with you, and get you started. Then, I hand off the design to you with tutorial videos so you can grow with your site with a foundation.

Rather than using a template that you have to learn and implement, I give you building blocks right inside your own Squarespace website so that everything is in one place. It is designed just for you, with your needs in mind. And, you get to work with me, a real person on setting it up the way you want it without having to learn everything right out of the gate.

Even if you’ve tried working in Sauarespace before, I can take your existing Squarespace site to the next level with you.


  • Online business owners who want to simplify their website

  • New ideas that need to be brought to life

  • People who help people so your people can be helped

  • Creative enterpreneurs who want to sell and share their work

  • Speakers who need a site that is just about them and their values

  • Authors who have something big to say and want a place to share it

  • People who like playing with design tools but need some direction and focus

  • YOU


  • clarity

    It starts with a simple questionnaire so I can do my resarch and choose the best layout for your website design.

  • collaboration

    We will meet on Zoom for a 2-hour session and chat about what your website needs and we will start setting it up in real time together.

  • designed pages

    I will design your home page and about page in Squarespace for you after our design session. I will build on our collaboration session and suggest layout, website content and image styles.

  • room to grow

    I will save sections within those pages that you can plug and play and reuse on other pages of your site as needed from those home and about page.

  • education

    Rather than going down the YouTube rabbithole, I will make custom videos on how to edit your website specifically in a screensharing tutorial video. I will also show you how to make other edits to Squarespace, such as setting up scheduling, email marketing, SEO, and more.

  • support

    30-days of accountability from our first zoom session. Check in emails once a week. Email support as you work. Access to a weekly cowriting community to work on your copy. A one-hour Zoom session to answer any last questions and take your site live!   

 The goal is to get you unstuck, and get your squarespace site design flowing so you can get going on doing what you do best.

After checkout, you will receive an email with a link to fill out the questionnaire and schedule your session.

squarespace your SITE

“I loved our Zoom calls and your responsiveness. I enjoyed talking about what I vibe with, my cultural background and my passions.”

~ Dr. Kalpa Bhattacharjee

frequently asked q’s

  • I started out building WordPress websites, but over time, I learned that they were more complicated to design, and also, for my clients to be able to edit themselves. Enter … Squarespace. I’ve been designing on this platform for 7 years now, and I love being able to hand projects off, confident that my clients can edit and build on their own websites. I know sometimes you are not ready to, or don’t have the budget for a fully custom designed website, so you want to do it yourself, but the learning curve can be STEEEEEEEP, and I’m here for make that easier for you.

  • Squarespace your SITE does not include the price of Squarespace hosting. You will purchase hosting separately, and we will talk about what pricing tier is needed for your website needs if you are new to Squarespace. We canl also talk about add-ons to your hosting like email campaigns, scheduling, and more if you need that.

  • Yes, you can, buuuuuut … rather than having to learn Squarespace yourself, or even if you’ve worked with Squarespace before, I will show you one-on-one how to work with your site to avoid learning fatigue, and support you in getting your site up and running smoother and with less headaches. I’m essentially training you to be a Squarespace designer and to have total control of your site.

Want to dig a little deeper?

You can add on branding and logo too for and additional $800.